Let's talk about sex!

Or more accurately sex scenes in books. Some people *cough me cough* can't get enough of 'em. Some people can't stand them. Same goes for foul language. 

So here's the deal. I am not a formula writer. I write what my imaginary friends tell me to write. And the number of sex scenes varies from book to book within a series. Sometimes my characters warn you what's coming. But not always. 

So I developed this nifty little key to help which I call the hotflash rating scale. Note this isn't a perfect system. The area between 3 and 4 is murkey. And also I wrote some of these books over a decade ago. I may have forgotten a few details. I'm not trying to trick anyone. This is an imperfect guide that's meant to help.

Hotflash rating 1🔥

With a 1 there will be no open door sex in the book. This us the realm of lusting, dreaming, longing, or just keeping things private. Most of my mysteries are 1s.

Hotflash rating 2🔥🔥

There is at lest one open door sex scene in the book with a 2. Usually it's more about emotion than one goes where but things sometimes get graphic. This may also refer to oral sex as well as penetration.

Hotflash rating 3🔥🔥🔥

Things are getting kinky at a 3. Maybe we're delving into role playing or the couple is horny as all-get out. Usually more than one sex scene at level 3.

Hotflash rating 4🔥🔥🔥🔥

Is it hot in here or is it just this book? There is very little left to the imagination at level 4. Sex toys show up as more than a gag gift. Pun intended.

Hotflash rating 5 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Nothing is off limits with a 5. Multiple partners breaking out the Karma Sutra or BDSM, as long as the safe, sane and consensual rule applies, anything goes.

F-bombs 💣  with the exception of a few holiday stories and mystery audiobooka that are more cozy than my average, most of my books have this warning. There is cussing and there will be more so people who aren't my tribe don't get their panties in a knot.

When it comes to bundles I always rate by the steamiest book in the set. So if two books are  a 1 and the third is a 2 the bundle will have a rating of two.

Happy reading!


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